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Obviously, SyCON was aware of the insolent behavior of the Conspirers. But, in faithful compliance with the mandates received from the Primal Cause, it must allow the Anthropos to freely continue with their own matters. The indoctrinated Anthropos—deluded, lost, vacuous, oblivious and alienated—now spend most of their time in T3 in a sterile search of all that the Repetitive Ideograms could instill in them. And in the midst of their bewilderment, they increased the rhythm of their mutual interaction to frantic proportions, always more alienated and frightened.
The Anthropos now collide with their environment and among themselves, without achieving what they should or what they want. They yearn to solve their distressing situation, but at the same time they continue to ignore the processes of SyCON, all in faithful obedience to what has been indoctrinated by the Minority that’s in control.
As time passes, this causes a tremendous pressure on all of their transducers and little by little, each Anthropos begins to show defects that affect the stability and duration of its holographic projection into T3.
And thus, the immense potential offered by SyCON and the unshakeable loyalty of its servosystems—all this and much more—is now unknown by most of the Anthropos, so that many, perhaps too many, vegetate in the most vile and miserable conditions.
Despite being obliged to maintain an attitude of “non-intervention,” SyCON also has the inescapable responsibility of having to continue the global evolution of T3, because the constructive advance of the Whole can not be stopped by just one of its parts. But, owed to the love that exists between a creator and his creation, SyCON begins an exhaustive review of the entire Anthropos Project. And, for this, it proceeds to check all the premises and theories used to design and construct the REBIS.
In its analysis, it pauses when it reaches the explanation regarding the connection between the attracto-repulsive hooks of the REBIS and the vital points of the Adamant, a technique by which each of these unions will configure a unique Anthropos among the countless possible combinations. This allows each one to be able to discern what’s in T3 from a perspective more or less similar to that of any other one, and at the same time be a unique component of the system.
No configuration can cover all the possibilities; but, undoubtedly, the programming that was later indoctrinated by the Conniving Villains, will cause the behavior of some Anthropos more discordant with what SyCON maintains created in T3. Although, this doesn’t jeopardize the possibility that each one has to discover, in their own way, what that reality—their particular reality—really is. As off track as an Anthropos might be, (s)he will always have an open channel to request the generous and impartial help of SyCON.
Continuing with its investigation, SyCON construes that a great many Anthropos are not acting in accordance with the attributes of their own individual design. Instead, they are trying to adapt themselves to an alien pattern that has been imposed on them by the surrounding environment and, in addition, one in complete conflict with the true underlying reality.
System T3: what began as an ecological environment of perfectly interconnected cycles, full of harmonious automated formations that functioned in accordance with the rhythms and cadences generated by SyCON, now consists of discordant automatons, who due to apathy, ignorance and inertia now insist on destroying everything.
Yes, this is what the Anthropos have become: ignorant automats that perform over and over the same limited, ineffective and conflicting programs.
As was said before, the omni-network managed by SyCON is not static.
The rhythmic variation of intensity of the Primal Cause keeps all the components of T3 in a constant oscillation. And in this eternal to-and-fro, only what is capable of expressing a state of dynamic symbiosis with the essential energies will be able to tread, one by one, the teeth of the gear of evolution that corresponds to it.
This is an unappealable law imposed by the universal environment on each component of T3: to maintain the required flexibility to move through each and every minimum and maximum, while coexisting in the best possible way all of Creation.
Each part has to adapt itself to the unstoppable and cyclic sequence of relative states, in which:
everything empty accumulates,
all that accumulates reaches a point of fullness
and everything that becomes saturated will begin to empty,
as the cycle repeats itself along a new spiral of its path of evolution. Keep in mind that the intangible wheel of evolution will pulverize anything that tries to force its permanence in only one of the relative states.
Anything rigid, inflexible or static, eventually and inevitably will be crushed, so that its components can be used as raw material in the formation of new expressions. Hopefully these will be more capable of manifesting the proper degree of harmony with the attributes of each Cofrequential environment and, therefore, become better integrated with the Transfrequential principles of Unity.
The pulsating, serrated and long sinusoidal waves generated by the expansive Primal Cause now indicate the logarithmic energy variation that qualitatively and quantitatively has to be regarded by SyCON.
The unrestrainable ebb and flow that crosses each Cofrequency has the express purpose of modifying each individual structure, so that each one can better integrate itself, in its own particular way, with the requirements of Transfrequential conditions. It’s something that tries to find a fluid and equitable distribution of its effect, because the stability of the Whole depends on the dynamic and balanced energy exchange carried out between its parts.
Since approximately 1999 AC, one of the particularly strong factors of the Primal Cause began to exert a progressive influence on the T3 environment. Undoubtedly, this has tested the cohesion of all the functional links that constitute the omni-network of SyCON. This factor rules the Averno.
Once again, it must be remembered that any formation that tries to maintain an isolated and autocratic way of existing, without taking into consideration the parameters that govern T3, must rectify this immediately, or else face the consequences of its unavoidable involution.
The intangible tensors that hold up reality can not be severed or disengaged; but neither will they tolerate—unperturbed—a pernicious deformation that puts in imminent danger the process of bringing about the perfection of the collective effort.
Also, the pseudo-reality accepted by most of the Anthropos, of course, will also suffer its quota of adjustment. Much of what they now consider to be their most valuable things, because they’re based on unreal premises, will simply disappear. And those who don’t know their true purpose, will be completely lost.
As the vector field of T3 is adjusted, the components of each ideogram that don’t harmonize with the underlying design will be disintegrated and removed from the programs that have been using them, leaving the rest of the program’s instructions pathetically disconnected and without any interrelation whatsoever.
Every program and routine indoctrinated into the Anthropos must be re-evaluated and promptly corrected or discarded, as best suited. Nothing should resist the forthcoming equitable symbiosis; nothing should try to retain for itself, in excess, the product of the increase of intensity of the overall field.
Even mirages are based on real waves, and they disappear if the conditions that generate them change.
The Solution
What is needed is that the Anthropos begin to see through the cruel illusion produced by the fallacious programming that has been implanted in them.
It must be something special... Something that, like a comforting balm, dilutes the sharp crystals of fear. The solution should remind them that they can use at any time the wonderful processes of SyCON to solve any problem or circumstance that may interfere with their stay in T3. Still, the solution won’t come when the Anthropos wants it to, but when it’s actually needed—at the most appropriate time, in the most fitting way—permanently in sync with the rhythms, cycles and trends that are active in T3.
I repeat: it’s crucial to make the Anthropos see that any unreal parameter (or procedure) that has been included in their “Chart of Possibilities” can be modified or replaced by other premises that are more consonant with the underlying and true Reality. That in T3, what each Anthropos deems as possible to make or do, always subordinated to the qualities and skills included in their own design, and that does not infringe the harmony of the Universal Principles in force in this environment, the powerful, impartial and automatic processes of SyCON must help them achieve that goal.
Today’s Anthropos must know about the order that was given to SyCON by the omnipotent Primal Cause. They must become aware of what was expressly ordered to it by these almighty forces:
The orders were: to equip a conscious entity with everything that it may need to make use of its free will, in accordance with its individual attributes and with the Transfrecuencial laws in force in T3, to:
Design - Form - Develop - Evaluate
For, think about it, what’s the use of having a free will, if there’s no mechanism by which to carry out what one freely decides to achieve?
After evaluating the thousands of possible solutions, SyCON decides to put into practice something that neither suppresses nor compromises the free will of the Anthropos. It’ll be a very subtle remedy; something with an asynchronous and subliminal effect. Something of external origin—mostly graphic—but aimed directly toward the controls of the Anthropos; something that integrates immediately with its standard programming. It must also be an action to be set in motion without requiring the conscious approval of the Anthropos, since he won’t notice having been subliminally impacted.
This is why SyCON decides to make use of one of the many Anthropos who are present in T3.
He is an unknown iconoclast, but one whose individual design has allowed him to see a bit further through the hard shell of the status quo. Someone, who despite his own limitations and existential fears, was willing to carry out the task of writing a simple story called:
About the Author
Come to think of it, I'm sort of a three-way hybrid. My family upbringing was definitely European (Belgian), my early teen-age years were enjoyably influenced by the American way of life (Glendale, California), at the beginning of the Rock 'n Roll era (anybody remember?), and the rest of my life exposed me to the fast-paced Latin American culture (in Venezuela and several Caribbean Islands). This gave me the order and discipline of a Northern European, the modern vision and progressive imagination of an American, and the animated soul of a Latino.
By trade, I'm a Computer Systems Engineer, who specialized in setting up the Data Processing Department for large, high-rise hotels in Latin America.
For the past 25+ years, after having investigated a number of ambiguous fields and debunking a lot of ineffectual information, I've been designing a system that I named ASTRONICA (which has very little in common with classic Astrology). In a nutshell, it's a technique that anyone can use to (1) know their inborn attributes, qualities and skills, and (2) to determine the ongoing astrophysical conditions (exocauses) that inevitably influence us and our environment. You can test the efficiency of Astronica for yourself, by visiting the Astronica website (www.astronica.org, in Spanish and English - up since 1997). Try out any of the free and user-friendly online apps that you'll find there—they're all based on astronical algorithms. You can go there either with a desk PC or a laptop. But if you're mostly on the go, feel free to use a smartphone or a tablet. No registration, no cost, no hype—the apps work just fine!
After retiring from the Hotel Computer field, and after having put together the Astronica system, I began to write in two different fields: fiction and non-fiction. In the non-fiction section, I've written several books that have an astronical undertone (e.g., The Astronica Handbook, The Cyclegram, Dynamy and Polarity, Code Terra, The Cosmic Tree and The Hidden Circle). Some are still being prepared for online publishing.
My writings in the fiction section usually include characters who live in the imperceptible “threshold area” that's between our everyday reality and the rest of the Multiverse (some of the titles are: Eemo, The Keepian, Anthropos and an ultra-short story, Nothing Speaks). I like to call this genre MetaFiction: the Reality that lies beyond reality.
Currently, I live in Caracas, Venezuela and work every day on the Internet, to expand and further hone the astronical resources. Now and then, when my Muse prods me, I take another shot at story writing, so feel free to look me up.
Hope you liked the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
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